
How much work goes into a piece of chocolate and how much energy into a mobile phone? What does the human body do and what should the energy supply of the future look like? Nothing works without energy - but can we manage with less?
The exhibition "Energy = Work" explores these questions and investigates the abstract yet fascinating world of energy. It demonstrates what we achieve thanks to energy - both personally and as a global society. It makes us aware of how much the inhabitants of wealthy societies consume and raises the question of how we should use energy instead.
The exhibition takes humans as a yardstick and presents their bodies as amazing energy converters. It shows how we know how many calories we consume when jogging, sleeping or knitting, and why sixty virtual workers have been toiling for us around the clock since the development of coal, gas and oil.
At exhibits and hands-on stations, visitors can experience how food is turned into work and how an entire way of life is built on the fire in our power stations. The exhibition makes it clear that today's energy issues are always global issues. It shows what a supply of 100 per cent renewable energy could look like and asks what changes in society are associated with this.

Brandenburg Gate Foundation