
When viewed with an open mind, Cuba, despite all its difficulties, displays an astonishing and interesting diversity of political and social steering and regulatory attempts in the field of environment and sustainability, which have so far remained hidden behind the negative stereotypes common in Western countries. This publication outlines the framework conditions for Cuba's environmental and sustainability policy (nature and environment, political structures and procedures, geopolitical positioning) and presents the problems, characteristics and structures of environmental and sustainability policy in Cuba. Based on this, a description of the legal foundations, the most important administrative structures, governmental and non-governmental environmental policy actors follows. In an extensive chapter, diverse facets and exemplary examples from Cuban environmental and sustainability policy are shown and discussed. The concluding summary attempts to formulate a differentiated assessment of Cuban environmental and sustainability policy in the light of international experience and general considerations. This is supplemented by an extensive list of sources and literature and several illustrations.

Göll, Edgar
Fields of research

Technology Assessment and Participation