
This workshop report "Environmental Education" is based on the results of the research project "Environmental Education Renewable Energies for Children and Youth". The project was carried out between September 2003 and February 2005 by iserundschmidt - Kreativagentur für PublicRelations GmbH (Bad Honnef and Berlin, project coordinator), the IZT Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung gGmbH (Berlin) and the Unabhängiges Institut für Umweltfragen e.V. UfU (Berlin). The research project was funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). The aim of the project was to test a "Standpunkt campaign" in schools, to research and analyse teaching materials on RES and to design new ways of action to promote environmental education on renewable energies for children and young people. In the Standpunkt campaign, 32 schools were visited nationwide. The events consisted of three elements: An expert lecture with discussion, the selection and commenting of Standpunkt t-shirts, and a survey of pupils about their knowledge and attitudes towards renewable energies. The research and analysis of teaching materials pursued the goal of providing assistance to RE multipliers in their search for suitable materials. For this purpose, about 300 materials (books, brochures, experimental kits, videos and CDs as well as internet portals) were collected and analysed. From the abundance of possible materials, about 70 were selected as particularly recommendable and described in detail. Qualitative expert interviews were conducted for the conception of new possibilities for action. On the basis of expert interviews and material analyses, proposals for new research projects were developed, with the help of which deficits in the environmental communication of EE could be eliminated.

Scharp, Michael; Rathgeber, Meike; Schmidthals, Malte; Schmidt, Manfred; Buchholz, Rüdiger; Leonards, Stefan
Fields of research

Education and Digital Media