Environmental traffic
This volume aims to raise awareness of the close links between mobility and environmental impact, and to present innovative solutions and alternative courses of action. The aim of this volume is not to provide the diagnoses already found in the literature, but to make a pioneering contribution to the treatment of the problem. It deals with both the development of traffic itself and the need for action in relation to the various factors influencing traffic. In their contributions, recognised experts from science and administration, business and politics provide realistic perspectives for the environmentally friendly transport of tomorrow. Contents: Environmental transport - a model? How compatible is motorised private transport with the Basic Law? Climate protection and transport. Self-cancellation of mobility - reflections on a murderous need. Comments on the organisation of local public transport. Approaches to an environmental transport law. Local transport levy models. Towards a parking space standard. Influence of integrated waste management on the volume of traffic, integration of rail transport. Education and training for environmentally conscious mobility. Sustainable transport.
Smeddinck, UlrichFields of research
Energy, climate and infrastructure, Communication and publicity
Source information
Environmental traffic
Building blocks for a sustainable transport world
Environmental Sciences Volume 8
Year of publication
Blottner - Taunusstein
Document type
Book Compilation