
The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) as an organisationally independent scientific-technical higher federal authority in the portfolio of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) works for the safety and protection of humans and the environment from the hazards of radiation. One of the tasks of the authority is to inform the public. In order to participate in the discussions on the expansion of the electricity grid in an informed manner, citizens as well as professional actors in administrations and politics need factually correct, comprehensible and useful information. The BfS sees itself, according to the authority's self-portrayal, "as an independent mediator between science and the public". This includes explaining complex scientific issues to citizens and openly discussing their consequences. The aim is not to increase acceptance for planned infrastructure measures. Rather, the aim is to contribute to the objectification of discussions and to empower citizens. The BfS's risk communication takes place via information services such as brochures, websites and public lectures at events. Based on the realisation that it is difficult to overview and evaluate all aspects associated with the expansion of the electricity grid, the BfS conducts studies to improve its own risk communication. Against this background, the present study had the task of evaluating the texts and messages of the BfS with regard to radiation protection during electricity grid expansion and developing options for action to improve the information offered by the authorities.

Oertel, Britta; Degel, Melanie; Kahlisch, Carolin; Ludwig, Katrin; Wilhelm-Rechmann, Angelika
Fields of research

Technology Assessment and Participation, Energy, climate and infrastructure