FOCUS Yearbook 2012
This FOCUS yearbook focuses on trend and future research, its methods, definitions, possibilities and limitations. Editor Wolfgang J. Koschnick has asked renowned experts from research and practice for their assessments. They present, evaluate and criticise concepts, instruments and results. The result is an exciting yearbook that not only presents fascinating trends and scenarios of tomorrow, but also captures the entire complexity of this young field of research.
With the new 2012 yearbook, FOCUS is once again focussing on current topics of the digital age, addressing innovative ways of thinking and providing impetus for controversial discussions. The FOCUS yearbook series has established itself as a platform for the exchange of opinions in the media and communications industry. It offers scientific articles, analyses and essays by renowned experts from advertising and media agencies, marketing and media as well as universities and universities of applied sciences - and thus provides the basic and background knowledge necessary for every marketing and media professional.
Source information
FOCUS Yearbook 2012
Year of publication
Focus Magazine Publisher
Document type
Book Compilation