Full of energy - sun, wind, water
The MINT-EnergieBox is an experiment box including accompanying materials on the topics of renewable energy and sensible energy utilisation. It can be used in interdisciplinary project lessons in maths, computer science, technology and/or science in grades 7 to 10.
The MINT-EnergieBox contains experimental material for carrying out experiments on the various types of renewable energy (solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, biomass and geothermal energy) and on the topic of sensible energy utilisation (saving energy in various areas such as water, heating, electricity, waste, energy management and the use of alternative forms of energy). The experimental set-ups, including questions and calculation tasks for the individual experiments, are worked out in two different levels of difficulty (Level I and II).
An online course is available for each topic, which can be used to follow up and deepen the knowledge gained in the experiments.
A teacher's guide contains explanations on how to use the box, the didactically developed experimental set-ups as well as literature references and further links.