
The volume was produced in connection with the "future : lab" project - a "concrete-utopian laboratory for 'future designs for the cultural and civic region of the Rhine-Neckar Triangle'" (12). The authors focus on the regional development of this conurbation and deal with strategic-planning and spatial-sociological aspects of current structural change from a theoretical and empirical perspective. An important point of reference is civil society, whose role is discussed in particular in Rolf Kreibich's contribution against the background of relevant future trends. The volume is only of secondary relevance to political science and is primarily aimed at readers interested in the implementation of spatial development planning. From the contents: I. Theoretical concepts for the region Walter Siebel: Urban structure and urban policy in the 21st century (21-30) Albrecht Göschel: The city needs new utopias. The future of the civic region? (31-58) Rolf Kreibich: Visions and expectations of the future. Challenges for civil society (71-94) Christian Specht: Urbanity of the region. City region without hierarchy? (107-116) II. Impressions from the Rhine-Neckar Triangle III. The civic region as a model in Europe.

Kreibich, Rolf