
Future workshops offer spaces for imaginative problem-solving and learning processes They can be carried out independently or with external support, for example as part of project days in schools. This documentation provides compact and clear information on the method and presents examples from the campus of the International Garden Exhibition 2017 in Berlin. Everyday school life demands that teachers and pupils "function" - and the deeper needs and wishes of individuals with regard to their personal future and that of communities and society are rarely expressed. Often enough, these are obscured and distorted by loud, colourful or even subtle advertising. In the media, "experts" are often interviewed about the "future". But everyone has interesting, exciting, perhaps even surprising ideas about their personal and social future! And it makes sense to create suitable opportunities so that these ideas can be expressed and space and time can be gained for realisation. In short: to make it possible to shape the future in which everyone is important!

Krawczik, Dagmar; Göll, Edgar; Baumgartner, Dagmar
Fields of research

Technology Assessment and Participation