
The world of work is currently undergoing massive upheaval, particularly as a result of globalisation and digitalisation - and this in turn has a major impact on the success of sustainable development. How can the working world of tomorrow be designed in such a way that it becomes more sustainable? This is one of the questions being addressed by the Science Platform Sustainability 2030 with the aim of developing science-based recommendations for action for political stakeholders. To this end, the "Future of Work" working group was formed via the platform in 2017, led by Prof Stephan Lessenich (LMU Munich) and Prof Marion A. Weissenberger-Eibl (Fraunhofer ISI, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology). In this context, a workshop was held in which the working group developed guiding principles and quality criteria for sustainable work with experts from various areas of society. This paper "Guiding principles and quality criteria for sustainable work" is the report on the results of the workshop. It will be incorporated into the further work of the working group, which is largely characterised by a broad interdisciplinary exchange with science as well as a transdisciplinary exchange with politics, business and civil society in several steps.

Kollosche, Ingo; Göll, Edgar; Bauer, Steffen
Fields of research

Technology Assessment and Participation