
The IZT - Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment was commissioned by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection to work on the research project "Effect of government funding measures on the implementation of radon remediation measures in the residential sector - an analysis of potential". The task of the research project was to make a statement on whether and in what form a state support programme for the renovation of residential buildings would lead to additional renovations of buildings with increased radon activity concentrations in the indoor air. The project comprised three work packages that build on each other: - WP 1 "Review of current knowledge on the effect of state support measures" based on a literature research and interviews with experts, - WP 2 "Interviews with owners of residential buildings" to investigate the significance of a state support measure for the decision to renovate the residential building, and - WP 3 "Expert discussion and final report" to present the results from WP 1 and WP 2 at the expert discussion and to discuss and professionally evaluate them with experts from different fields.

Illge, Lydia; Degel, Melanie; Oertel, Britta
Fields of research

Technology Assessment and Participation, Health and well-being, Resources, economies and resilience