Informal learning and education for sustainable development
"Education for Sustainable Development" and "Informal Learning" are two concepts that are multi-dimensional in terms of content and laden with high expectations. By combining these topics, the editors are breaking new ground - motivated and inspired by the interdisciplinary exchange in the "Informal Learning" working group of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2004-2013 in Germany. This book is the result of an attempt to outline two difficult-to-grasp topics using individual facets as examples and to illustrate them with contributions from theory and practice. The examples come from different areas and focus on different target groups.
Brodowski, Michael; Overwien, Bernd; Rohs, Matthias; Salinger, Susanne; Walser, Manfred
Source information
Informal learning and education for sustainable development
Contributions from theory and practice
Series "Ecology and Educational Science" of the Commission on Education for Sustainable Development of the German Society for Educational Science
Year of publication
Barbara Budrich - Opladen
Document type
Book Compilation