
Data has a special role to play in realising the socio-ecological potential of digitalisation and in overcoming its environmental impacts. However, it remains vague how a data regulation oriented towards the common good and sustainability can be designed in concrete terms. This means that the control options and potentials that data regulation can offer for sustainable development have so far only been insufficiently illuminated, because a concrete methodological approach for such an evaluation is lacking. The Ecornet project on "Data Governance and Sustainable Berlin" aims to make a methodological and analytical contribution to a better understanding of the potentials, but also the challenges, of data regulation for the implementation of sustainability goals. In order to clarify the impact of data regulation, the project develops a scenario-based methodological approach for the city of Berlin on how different types of data regulation could impact the city's achievement of sustainability goals. This background paper presents a standardised methodology for this approach and describes the development of regulatory scenarios in four selected areas, namely mobility, sustainable business, infrastructure and health.

Kollosche, Ingo; Fritzsche, Kerstin; Thomas, Dirk