
The basic idea of internal crowdsourcing (IC) is to mobilise and strengthen internal knowledge exchange and interaction within the company. Solving problems through interdepartmental and interdisciplinary thinking and collaborative action competences for cooperation both between employees and between management and employees is to be promoted in a direct way with the procedure. Existing explicit, but above all also person-bound implicit professional and experiential knowledge can be quickly accessed in the company through the application of internal crowdsourcing and used for the development of solutions, processes and decisions. Especially through the low-threshold testing of new communication and collaboration possibilities, internal crowdsourcing can make an important contribution to a changed, employee-friendly and more agile corporate culture for the digitalised world of work.

Göll, Edgar; Wedel, Marco; Ulbrich, Hannah; Pohlisch, Jakob; Uhl, André; Iskender, Neslihan; Polzehl, Tim; Schröter, Welf; Porth, Florian
Fields of research

Technology Assessment and Participation