
The learning unit "Inventory of Building Management Systems" explains the importance that building management systems can have in connection with the energy demand of a residential building. Therefore, the focus is primarily on technologies and concepts in the context of energy efficiency. Basic components such as the bus system and smart metering are addressed. However, since many components and measures, such as energy-efficient lighting technology or room temperature control, also have an impact on other functional areas of the building management system, aspects that go beyond this are also outlined. Especially since in this context a holistic perspective is not only required by the underlying concept, but also increases the attractiveness for customers. Topics dealt with here that go beyond the area of energy efficiency are, for example, security aspects in the building or ambient assisted living. Furthermore, the focus is particularly on those measures that are characterised by retrofittability in the context of modernisation and are thus relevant for activities in the field of energy consulting.

Scharp, Michael; Zöschinger, Julian
Fields of research

Education and Digital Media