Yearbook 2012/2013. Sustainable Economy
The yearbook is aimed at all scientists, politicians, students, experts and informed readers who are interested in the discourse on the development and implementation of sustainable economics and want to get involved.
The "Sustainable Economy Yearbook" initiated by the Sustainable Economy Network in 2010 analyses the influence of the economy on sustainable development and its socio-cultural, ecological and economic dimensions. It examines the doctrines and political consequences of traditional economics, develops alternative approaches and identifies strategic approaches in various fields of action. The yearbook thus makes an important contribution to reforming our economic system towards a sustainable economy and way of life based on the principle of strong sustainability.
The yearbook is based on the core statements of the Sustainable Economy Network, which was founded in 2009 and is now supported by over 250 renowned personalities and network partners. The members are united by the conviction that the traditional economy cannot solve the global problems of the 21st century.
Source information
Yearbook 2012/2013. Sustainable Economy
... in focus: "Green Economy
Volume 2012/2013
Year of publication
Metropolis - Marburg
Document type
Book Compilation