Measures to comply with the emission ceilings of the NEC Directive.Part 2
The German government is obliged to establish a national programme with permanent measures to comply with the national emission ceilings of the NEC Directive for SO2, NMVOC, NOx and NH3. For this purpose, the task of this research project was: 1. to prepare emission forecasts for the determination of the coverage gap between the emission ceilings of the NEC Directive and the reference forecast. The reference projections were incorporated into the National Programme in a separate report and will be published together with it. 2. the identification of further measures to comply with the emission ceilings. This measure analysis is the subject of this report. To begin the analysis of measures, extensive materials (EU project MERLIN, RAINS model by IIASA, UNECE Expert Group on Techno-Economic Issues EGTEI, IPPC BREFs, etc.) were first evaluated with the aim of compiling a detailed list of possible emission reduction options. The result was a comprehensive catalogue of measures with a total of about 150 measures. This catalogue of measures was analysed in consultation with the Federal Environment Agency with regard to the criteria of "timely implementability" and "proportionality". Finally, 58 measures were selected, which were subjected to a detailed analysis of reduction potentials, costs and feasibility of implementation and were presented in corresponding measure sheets.