
Edited by Lars Gräßer and Friedrich Hagedorn, this volume sheds light on various facets of sustainable media literacy - from the ecological footprint to green utopia.

"The internet and digital media technologies not only help to solve ecological and social problems - they also create new ones," say editors Gräßer and Hagedorn, explaining the impetus for the publication.

According to Grimme Director Uwe Kammann, the focus is not on the extent to which online media can be used for sustainability communication, "but on the extent to which 'the media' themselves can be used sustainably." Questions about energy consumption through media technologies, the development of emissions and the use of resources are just as much a topic here as the health and socio-psychological consequences of constant accessibility, the disappearing boundaries between work and private life and possible changes in communication behaviour and thinking. So how can computers and the Internet be used in an ecologically and socially responsible way? How to avoid health hazards? How to harmonise media and personal communication?