
This literature study shows that user integration in the manufacturer innovation process contributes significantly to the success of innovation projects, especially when fundamental innovations are to be achieved or the innovation process is characterised by a dynamic change in demand conditions and high market uncertainties. When selecting and integrating users into the manufacturer innovation process, the function and role of users must be clarified (claim formulator, idea supplier, tester, etc.) and it must be taken into account that different types of users are suitable depending on the innovation task. User integration is thus a central success factor of the manufacturer innovation process, but it requires a differentiated view and a targeted consideration of success conditions. The sustainability contribution of innovation projects can be significantly supported by targeted user integration. Three central starting points in the innovation process can be identified for sustainable user integration: (1.) The development and evaluation of sustainability-oriented innovation ideas and concepts with the help of lead-user methodology, (2.) the testing and evaluation of prototypes and pilot applications in realistic usage situations with pilot customers, taking sustainability criteria into account, and (3.) cooperation with sustainability leaders who act as initial customers and reference customers during the market launch. Internet and mobile online media open up new possibilities for user integration in the innovation process, especially in consumer goods markets and markets with large numbers of customers. However, the new powerful methods of internet-based user integration into the innovation process only contribute to sustainable products and usage systems if the innovation actors involved take into account the competition-relevant sustainability requirements and sustainability becomes an integral part of the innovation culture.

Fichter, Klaus