
The future is being made - here and now and again on Wednesday. Whether the 20 young authors will beat cancer in their lifetime or colonise the moon - many things seem possible, controversial, different. But the fundamental questions remain the same: What is a good life, a happy life? How can we live together peacefully? What brave new world do science and technology promise us? The Europeans - students and young professionals from ten different countries - argue passionately in favour of a better world and yet are under no illusions.
Who better to chart the path into the 21st century than the young generation, for whom the future will be the present for at least another half century? Here, young people manage to smuggle their original voice past questionnaires and adverts. This paves the way from youth research to an intergenerational dialogue on the question of how we want to shape the future. This dialogue includes contributions from sociologist Ralf Dahrendorf and the editors, the youth organisation YOIS Europe and the Secretariat for Futures Studies.

Weiss, Arne; Junger, Julia; Sohr, Sven; Weiss, Arne