
This IZT text examines discussions within the discourse complex of grassroots community movements. Emerging from the research project "Sustainability 2.0 - Modernising the Model of Sustainable Development", this study addresses the question of whether and to what extent these discussions contribute to strengthening the model of sustainable development (LNE). Since the first definitions and descriptions of sustainable development, the LNE has been decisively shaped by the Rio process of the 1990s, given an official form with the German government's sustainability strategy, and once again given special emphasis by the worldwide adoption of the 17 SDGs formulated in the UN Agenda 2030. Due to the implicit change in the concrete design requirements and possibilities in this development, new challenges also arise for the discourse on sustainability. With regard to the discussions of communal grassroots movements, these challenges are presented and discussed in the following sub-study using the three sub-fields of urban farming/gardening, commons and solidarity economy as examples with regard to key actors, storylines and possible discourse coalitions. The investigation of the named fields takes place in turn within the framework of the social subsystems: Science, Politics, Society and Economy.

Göll, Edgar
Fields of research

Technology Assessment and Participation