
Online citizen participation refers to offerings that enable citizens to use the internet to influence political decisions. It is associated with the expectation of strengthening the relationship between politics and society. This volume analyses the German Bundestag's most recent experiences with online citizen participation. The focus is on the Enquete Commission "Internet and Digital Society", which was seen as an "experimental field". It also looks at the participation programmes offered by the Digital Agenda Committee, the Commission on the Storage of High-Level Radioactive Waste, the youth portal mitmischen.de and the public petitions that can be signed online.
The book provides an overview of the scientific discussion of online citizen participation and presents criteria for success as well as opportunities and risks. Options for further development at the German Bundestag are discussed.

Oertel, Britta; Kahlisch, Carolin; Albrecht, Steffen
Fields of research

Communication and publicity