Opportunities and limits for sustainable consumption
In: Resale Culture on the Internet. Opportunities for sustainable consumption using the example of eBay
In recent years, numerous new business and revenue models for internet-based forms of trade and distribution have been developed largely independently of questions of sustainable consumption. The explanations make it clear that these will be of central importance for sustainable consumption in the future as a medium and form of market transaction. With a view to the research question "What sustainability potentials are associated with e-commerce and the role change from consumer to prosumer and how these can be successfully tapped", the analysis provides important insights. Firstly, the question of the extent to which the methods and approaches used are suitable for investigating highly dynamic consumption processes and what this implies for socio-ecological research will be summarised in the following. Secondly, the chances of the second-hand goods trade for sustainable consumption can be evaluated on the basis of the data obtained. This focuses on the development of environmental relief potentials and on the question of the design of framework conditions.