Perspectives of wood mobilisation to strengthen sustainable future markets of the forestry and timber industry. Paper within the framework of the joint project Holzwende 2020+ in the BMBF funding priority "Research for sustainable forestry".
As part of the BMBF-funded lead project "Holzwende 2020plus: Sustainable future markets for building with wood", key challenges and requirements for the development of future markets in the forestry and timber industry are being analysed. On the one hand, the focus is on the development and testing of innovative stakeholder cooperation and forms of customer integration to open up new sales opportunities for wood. On the other hand, the effects of technological, social, ecological and economic trends on the forestry and timber industry are analysed, long-term prospects for increased wood use are identified and possible paths for a "wood turnaround" are condensed into a scenario. The aim of the base paper is to identify prospects for the mobilisation of previously unused wood reserves. Prospects for the mobilisation of wood are identified on the basis of an explorative study of future trends, case analyses of innovative approaches and a workshop with experts and stakeholders from the forestry and timber industry, which took place in Berlin on 26 June 2006.
Behrendt, Siegfried; Rupp, JohannesSource information
Perspectives of wood mobilisation to strengthen sustainable future markets of the forestry and timber industry. Paper within the framework of the joint project Holzwende 2020+ in the BMBF funding priority "Research for sustainable forestry".
Year of publication
Document type
Grey Literature/Report