Politics and economics
The broad spectrum of thought traditions of political and pure economics, in traditional and modern mathematical form, characterises the economist Gerhard Huber, to whom this commemorative publication is dedicated on his 65th birthday. - In addition to his solution to Marx's value-price transformation problem, the historical foundations of important economic policy traditions relating to the social market economy are first discussed. Furthermore, primarily mathematical economists deal with selected fundamental problems and their solution in the field of classical, neoclassical and neoclassical theories. - The following empirically-orientated contributions by political and social scientists, mathematicians, economists and historians also relate directly to the academic topics of the jubilarian: On the one hand, reference is made to more recent mathematical-empirical methods for interdependence calculation and their implementation problems; on the other hand, new results and analyses on income distribution and current trends of change in employment are presented. - Further empirical contributions by political scientists, economists and physicists deal with political-economic problems relating to European integration and the economic transformation of Russia and discuss the role of empirical futurology from the point of view of sustainability.
The explanations in the final section of this volume expand the political-economic leporello of the commemorative publication against a broad cultural-historical and philosophical background.
Source information
Politics and economics
Problem View from Classical, Neo- and New Classical Perspectives : Festschrift for Gerhard Huber
Year of publication
Metropolis - Marburg
Document type
Book Compilation