
Inexpensive, small sensors in tracking devices and smartphones make it possible: constant monitoring of fitness, wellness or health. "Quantified self", the measurement of one's own physical and behavioural activities, is becoming increasingly widespread. Users primarily use quantified self to optimise their physical activities. However, the data is also of interest to researchers: The wealth of data is to be used to gain insights for the early detection of diseases and for improved therapies. Stakeholders from industry and the healthcare sector also want to benefit from the analyses. The handling of sensitive health data must fulfil the legal requirements of data protection.

The interdisciplinary study analyses the opportunities and risks of quantified self. It shows which devices and services are available and what future developments can be expected. In addition to medical and technical aspects, social, ethical, legal and economic issues are also analysed and recommendations formulated.

Meidert, Ursula; Scheermesser, Mandy; Prieur, Yvonne; Hegyi, Stefan; Stockinger, Kurt; Eyyi, Gabriel; Evers-Wölk, Michaela; Jacobs, Mattis; Oertel, Britta; Becker, Heidrun
Fields of research

Communication and publicity, Health and well-being