Rare metals
Measures and concepts to solve the problem of conflict-exacerbating raw material exploitation using the example of coltan
Potential for conflict. This applies not only to fossil fuels, but also to rare mineral resources. One example is coltan, an ore that is used for the production of tantalum, which is primarily required for the manufacture of materials and in the electronics industry. The Federal Environment Agency has now published a research report in its "Texte" series, in which Raimund Bleischwitz and Ruth Delzeit from the Wuppertal Institute were also involved. It is available for download.
Behrendt, Siegfried; Kahlenborn, Walter; Feil, Moira; Dereje, Cornelia; Bleischwitz, Raimund; Delzeit, Ruth; Scharp, MichaelFields of research
Education and Digital Media, Resources, economies and resilience