Scenarios for an integrated sustainability policy - using the example: The sustainable city 2030
On behalf of the Federal Environment Agency, this project (financed with federal funds within the framework of the Environmental Research Plan, FKZ 3709 11 155) supported the differentiation and further development of an integrated sustainability policy in the German environmental ministry in interaction with other measures. The design of sustainable urban living environments was chosen as the focus of the content, as integrated sustainability policy must be consistently reflected in the lifeworld perspective of citizens, consumers, employees, transport users, etc. The integrated sustainability policy is to be developed in the context of a sustainable urban environment. In order to strengthen an effective integrated sustainability policy, relevant thematic fields and their actors within German environmental policy at federal, state and municipal level were examined with regard to (further) networking and synergy potentials. For this purpose, as well as for the identification and resolution of possible conflicts of objectives, scientific studies and a participatory and systematic scenario process were carried out. In a preceding empirical and planning phase, the basics were first worked out: A literature study as well as stakeholder discussions and workshops served to identify the relevant thematic and strategic fields and to examine them for conflicts of objectives and cooperation potentials. Actors, interests and underlying expectations for the future were developed for the project task. In the main project phase, a systematic, participatory scenario process was unfolded on this basis, one after the other, in two complementary thematic strands selected together with BMU and UBA ("circular city" and "sustainable economy in the city"). Normative scenarios for the sustainable city 2030 were elaborated and then options for action, strategy elements and concrete networking approaches for integrated sustainability policy were derived and concretised in the direction of operational implementation and practical cooperation in the environment ministry. This volume 1 of the final report provides an overview of the overall project and contains a conclusion by the Department of the Environment.