Energy efficiency services as a contribution to municipal climate protection
In: Implementing climate protection at the municipal level. How climate action in cities and municipalities can succeed
The Paris climate protection agreement is a milestone in preventing climate collapse. What contribution can cities and municipalities make to climate protection? Which municipal institutions, players and processes play a role? What fields of action and approaches are emerging?
14 articles provide interested readers from practice and applied science with an overview of the challenges and opportunities of municipal climate protection. The approach is solution-orientated: Practical examples show how successful climate action can be implemented locally. These include approaches to the urban energy transition, citizen competitions for climate protection and services for energy efficiency. Other articles provide information on transition management, sufficiency in municipal climate protection and offers for climate-friendly everyday practices.
The authors are (or were) employed at an Ecornet institute. These independent institutes systematically involve practice partners in their research projects. The aim of this approach, as well as the book, is to strengthen municipal climate protection and the sustainability of cities and municipalities.
Oertel, Britta; Illge, Lydia
Source information
Energy efficiency services as a contribution to municipal climate protection
Implementing climate protection at the municipal level. How climate action in cities and municipalities can succeed
Year of publication
Oekom - Munich
Document type
Contribution In