Shape of the movement
Movement is elementary and fleeting at the same time; it is a fundamental prerequisite for survival and for our culture. Movement is the functional basis for the discovery, measurement and exploration of our entire living environment (walking, driving, flying, etc.). Explaining and calculating movement are elementary questions in the natural sciences, in mathematics and physics and have, among other things, established the laws of mechanics and Albert Einstein's considerations on space and time, to name just a few, and made the development of numerous technologies possible. The history of mankind is a history of dynamics and acceleration. However, our culture is not only based on movement, it also shapes it. Mobility shapes our environment and manifests its form How can the fleeting nature of movement, the constant change in the image, in the object, in space be depicted and stabilised? How does movement influence the shape and design of our living environment - in the visual and performing arts, in architecture, in design?
Source information
Shape of the movement
Figure of motion
Year of publication
Jovis - Berlin
Document type
Book Compilation