
The future development of the Ruhr region depends on the complex interplay of social, economic, political, but also technological developments. This raises the question of probable, but above all socially desirable futures. The explorative short study "Successful Regional Transformation Processes - Possible Futures for the Ruhr Region", which the I)T has prepared on behalf of Bost-"tiftug i Dezee, ute su ht the global positioning of the Ruhr region in the transition to a knowledge society and presents the example regions Manchester-Liverpool (Northern England), Leipzig-Halle-Jena (Central Germany), Randstad (Netherlands), Pittsburgh (USA), Gauteng (South Africa), Wuhan (China) as possible comparative regions for the further development of the Ruhr region, which organised the structural change from mining-based basic industries to the knowledge society relatively successfully. It becomes apparent that the identified transformation seeds are integrative in character throughout, but each pursues specific focal points in the dimensions of "economic cluster formation, "ecological restructuring and "social shaping.

Opielka, Michael; Evers-Wölk, Michaela; Nolte, Roland; Göll, Edgar; Kamburow, Christian