
Many studies have been conducted to date on the topics of sustainability and construction. However, ecological construction has usually dominated. However, sustainability implies three dimensions: Economic, social and ecological. Only if these three dimensions are considered and evaluated holistically can we act sustainably.
The housing industry has a key role to play on the road to sustainable construction and housing, as its areas of activity - social management, facility management, privatisation and new home construction - touch on all dimensions of sustainability.
The Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment (IZT) and the Leadership Academy of the Housing and Property Industry (FWI) have investigated these fields on behalf of the Schwäbisch Hall Foundation 'bauen-wohnen-leben'.
The study identified profound conflicts of objectives between new and existing buildings, failure to utilise cost-cutting potential in portfolio management and social friction caused by an unbalanced occupancy and integration policy. The study contains options for action for the housing industry and the construction of new homes, as well as policy recommendations for sustainable construction and housing.

Scharp, Michael; Behrendt, Siegfried; Galonska, Jürgen; Knoll, Michael; Kreibich, Rolf
Fields of research

Education and Digital Media, Resources, economies and resilience