
In the project LehrRess - Supporting educational institutions in resource efficiency - the IZT (in the earlier project phase also together with Faktor10) developed teaching materials for resource education. The target group is vocational training providers, but some of the materials can also be used in the upper SEK I or SEK II levels of general education schools. The materials were based on cooperation with educational institutions and the second edition of the ProgRess programme in 2016, from which various topics were developed, both in relation to fields of action (further training for teachers) and for various design fields (teaching units). Both include a description of the field (so-called subject analysis), while the teaching units also include the framework for the lessons (didactic concept) and the actual teaching materials. The materials - Word documents and PowerPoint presentations - are used both for the further training of teachers and for the implementation of lessons in vocational and general education schools.

Hackfort, Sarah K.; Scharp, Michael
Fields of research

Education and Digital Media