
The book sheds light on the effects of our digital consumption in the Global South, the sustainable use of data and the risks and potential of a digitalised economic system. The focus is always on the pressing question: What kind of digitalisation do we want? The various answers to this question make it clear that sustainable digitalisation must be geared less towards the interests of individual economic players and more towards the common good.
More than 40 authors provide food for thought and action for a socio-ecological transformation in digital times and highlight the urgency of rethinking digital technologies and their application. Contributions on topics such as production and working conditions in China and the Global South, software obsolescence, the dangers of smart everything and the potential of public data combine the perspectives of authors from the tech, sustainability and development cooperation scenes. It also profiles initiatives, projects and companies that already offer concrete alternatives

Hofmann, Florian; Zwiers, Jakob; Jaeger-Erben, Melanie