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Agro-Northwest Transformation Roadmap
Prospects for agricultural technology in 2050: new requirements, future markets and disruptions.
Authors Behrendt, Siegfried; Henseling, Christine; Opponent, Kathrin
Year of publication 2024
Energy sharing in Germany - from concept to realisation in the energy industry
Authors Babilon, Linda; Strippchen, Lisa; Dornmair, Dr Rita; Karg, Ludwig; Degel, Melanie; Handke, Volker; Ludwig, Katrin
Year of publication 2024
Crisis radar - strengthening the resilience of society, politics and the economy through crisis forecasting
Final report on the TA project
Authors Behrendt, Siegfried; Evers-Wölk, Michaela; Collosche, IngoRevermann, Christoph; Sauter, Arnold; Sonk, Matthias; Thomas, Dirk; Uhl, André
Year of publication 2024
5G VICTORI - Deliverable 5.4 Business Plans, Exploitation Strategies and Project Impact Assessment
Authors Bledow, Nona; Nolte, Roland; Ludwig, KatrinBreuer, Henning ; Mesogiti, Ioann; Tzanakaki, Anna; Gutiérrez, Jesús
Year of publication 2023
izt publication
Creating a future that overcomes the digital divide through Scenario Building: strategies for inclusive public transport in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area
Authors Lazzarini, Boris; Collosche, IngoRoca, Elisabet; Wybraniec, Bartosz; Garola, Àlvar ; Ortiz, Adrià; Vidal, Mercedes
Year of publication 2023
foresight report
Foresight report Drivers, discourses and transformation scenarios
Transformation roadmap: Future prospects for agricultural technology
Authors Behrendt, Siegfried; Henseling, Christine; Opponent, Kathrin; Neipperg, Charlotte
Year of publication 2023
Roadmap 2030
Action agenda for the future of water management
Authors IKU_DIE DIALOGGESTALTER; IWW Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wasserforschung; TZW: DVGW-Technologiezentrum Wasser
Year of publication 2023
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