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Energy sharing in Germany - from concept to realisation in the energy industry
Authors Babilon, Linda; Strippchen, Lisa; Dornmair, Dr Rita; Karg, Ludwig; Degel, Melanie; Handke, Volker; Ludwig, Katrin
Year of publication 2024
more quality of life, less environmental consumption policy workshop sufficiency.
More quality of life, less environmental consumption Sufficiency policy workshop
Authors Hanna Parnow ; Aaron Best ; Lars Brischke ; Handke, Volker; Lydia Korinek ; Benjamin Görlach; Jan-Erik Thie ; Jonathan Barth; Tanja Brumbauer
Year of publication 2023
izt publication
LA-ICP-Mass Spectrometry of Impurities in Indium Feedstock Material and Their Influence on Cu(Inx,Ga(1-x))Se2. PV Device Performance
Authors Hinrichs, Volker; Handke, Volker; Chikhaoui, Lilianna; Lux-Steine, Martha Ch.
Year of publication 2014
izt publication
All electric society - will everything be electric in the future?
Authors Handke, Volker
Year of publication 2016
Recycling in the age of digitalisation
Specific recycling targets for metals and plastics from small electrical appliances in the ElektroG: regulatory approaches
Authors Bliklen, Rebecca; Handke, Volker; Hross, Maximilian; Jepsen, Dirk; Rödig, Lisa
Year of publication 2019