Our fields of research

The IZT stands for the major topics of sustainability and shaping the future, technology assessment and technology design, and is a pioneer in key cross-cutting and integrative fields such as sustainability, digitalisation and resilience.

Education and Digital Media

At the IZT, "Learning" stands for future-oriented media-didactic education with a focus on sustainability and applied, practice-relevant future topics such as artificial intelligence or sustainable nutrition.

Selected projects and publications


Energy, climate and infrastructure

The "Energy" thematic area focuses on research into the energy transition and the transformation of our energy system and energy use.

Selected projects and publications


Communication and publicity

The research field includes, in particular, investigations into how private individuals can be informed in a target group-related manner and motivated to discuss scientific and technological developments.

Selected projects and publications


Mobility and urbanity

Embedded in social, economic, technical and regulatory developments, our mobility and transport system is experiencing an accelerated transformation process. The focus of this research field is on helping to shape this change in the sense of increasing resilience and social justice in the context of climate neutrality.

Selected projects and publications



Resources, economies and resilience

Investigation of innovations and future markets for the success of a social-ecological transformation of the economy

Selected projects and publications


Technology Assessment and Participation

By technology assessment we mean scientific and forward-looking studies that identify and assess potential technology impacts at an early stage.

Selected projects and publications


Futurology and Transformation

In a world increasingly characterised by complexities and uncertainties, orientation knowledge is needed, which is what futurology at the IZT provides.

Selected projects and publications
