Education and Digital Media

With a future-oriented media-didactic education with a focus on sustainability as well as applied practice-relevant future topics such as artificial intelligence or sustainable nutrition, we want to reach people across all educational sectors - school, vocational training, higher education, further education and informal learning - from pupils to craftsmen to educators.

We want to develop new innovative educational methods by using the digitalisation of education and life for these future-relevant topics. In doing so, we work in a project- and topic-oriented manner and integrate different forms of learning into our educational concepts such as smart learning, e-learning, blended learning as well as the classic forms of education such as learning through experiments or education through co-education. Examples of further education and teaching modules come from the areas of resource efficiency, green IT, digitalisation of crafts, combined heat and power plants or environmental education.


A selection of projects from the past five years is presented below. A complete overview is available via the search.

apetitio ki vegetable bowls

2024 - 2027

KEECZ - Climate and energy efficient caterers and central kitchens
pabbne preview

2022 - 2023

Project Agency Vocational Education and Training for Sustainable Development (PA-BBNE) of the Partner Network Vocational Education and Training

2021 - 2024

KlimaRatSchule - Protecting the climate through democratic participation in schools. School: Change: Act.

2020 - 2023

Resource competence for the use of raw materials in global value chains: an exemplary analysis using the example of the study programmes in design and engineering sciences

2020 - 2022

CLIKIS-Network: Reducing GHG emissions from school meals in Estonia and Croatia

2020 - 2021

KEEKS-Berlin: Climate and Energy Efficient Kitchen at Berlin Schools

2019 - 2022

go green! The future in your hands! Workcamps for young people for career guidance

2019 - 2024

BilRess network: Support for education providers in the field of resource efficiency

2019 - 2020

Land with AI - Land with a future?


WAVE - Know, Apply, Understand and Experience Artificial Intelligence


Conception, implementation and follow-up of an initial and a follow-up workshop "Sustainable Work in the Context of the 2030 Agenda/German Sustainability Strategy".

2018 - 2021

KORN-SCOUT - Of the grain and its many users - Strengthening grain competences for sustainability in the food craft sector


SLOW Smart Learning - Use of media in online continuing education


Digitisation of the skilled crafts using the example of eight learning stations

2018 - 2019

CLIKIS - Climate friendly Kitchen in Schools
keeks guide cover photo fotolis wavebreakmediamicro -

2016 - 2019

KEEKS - Climate and energy-efficient kitchens in schools


Environmental education for migrants - the development of short videos


Development of a curriculum for further training for trainees as "ResourceScouts".

2015 - 2019

BilRess network: Education for resource conservation and resource efficiency

2015 - 2019

LehrRess - Support for education providers in the field of resource efficiency
izt project

2014 - 2015

Megatrends in the energy industry

2014 - 2017

Smart Learning - Use of media in training and education in the crafts sector

2012 - 2016

BilRess: Identification and development of offers for all educational sectors on the topic of resource conservation and resource efficiency.
izt project

2016 - 2019

BilRess II - Website
izt project

2009 - 2012

efit - Lifelong qualification in the future field of renewable energies
izt project

2009 - 2013

Renewable energies experience: powerado-plus
izt project

2007 - 2010

BewareE - Reducing residents' energy consumption through behavioural changes
izt project

2007 - 2008

Roadmap Fire Protection 2020+
izt project

2006 - 2009

Solar support for schools - utilising dormant photovoltaic systems for environmental communication
izt project

2006 - 2008

Improving raw material productivity and resource conservation
izt project

2006 - 2008

The world of renewable energies: powerado
izt project

2024 - 2026

(Further) education for natural climate protection (BilNaKlim)