TA in dialogue

announcement ta in dialogue event

We cordially invite you to the public event  "TA in dialogue - sustainable water management in agriculturet" in.

     26.11.2024 | 15:00 to 17:00

     German Bundestag, Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin, Paul-Löbe-Haus, Conference Room E 400      

In a time of numerous crises and uncertainties, the radar and orientation function of parliamentary technology assessment is becoming increasingly important. For this reason, the TAB has expanded its foresight activities: In addition to the already established horizon scanning, a resilience radar has been introduced which, together with an in-depth resilience check, assesses the resilience of selected infrastructure systems. 

This year, the focus of the Resilience Check is on water management in agriculture. In view of climate change, increasing droughts and unevenly distributed precipitation in Germany, agriculture must find new ways to deal with the changing conditions. Efficient irrigation techniques, new forms of cultivation and closed production systems offer promising approaches to better utilise water resources and make agriculture more resilient.

As part of the public discussion event "TA in dialogue", the interim results of this year's Resilience Check will be presented and discussed together with experts from the scientific community, members of the German Bundestag and other social stakeholders.

The following questions will guide the discussion:

  • How does climate change affect the water supply in agriculture and what specific risks does it pose?
  • To what extent can new forms of farming, closed production systems and innovative irrigation techniques increase the resilience of agriculture, and what long-term potential do they offer?
  • What political and legal framework conditions are required to ensure a sustainable water supply in agriculture and what governance structures are necessary for this?

We look forward to your participation!

The IZT - Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment, consortium partner of the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB), is leading the resilience check.