The IZT is a living, reflective and thus learning organisation with a large inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge base, which continues to maintain the balance between preservation and renewal in order to remain fit for the future. The employees work together at a high scientific level. They are both co-creators and shareholders of the institute. Together, they address exciting topics of the future and open up a great deal of room for manoeuvre in terms of content and methodology. Co-operation and collaboration are the basic modes of working.
Institute management

Dr Roland Nolte
Managing Director
Dr Roland Nolte
Managing Director
- Since 2001 as Managing Director at the IZT
- Researcher at the IZT since 1993
- 1992 Doctorate at the Humboldt University of Berlin and at the Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey, on the theory of the quantum Hall effect

Sabine Flores Trần
Managing Director
Sabine Flores Trần
Managing Director
- Managing Director at the IZT since 2022
- previously authorised signatory since 2019
- Managing Director of Kommunen in der Metropolregion Hannover Braunschweig Göttingen Wolfsburg e. V. 2010 to 2019
- M. A. Intercultural Business Communication (International University SDI Munich)
- B. A. Translating and state-certified translator in Spanish with a focus on the humanities
Scientists and academics

Dr Siegfried Behrendt
Research Manager
Dr Siegfried Behrendt
Research Manager
- IZT Research Director for "Resources, Economies and Resilience" since 2019
- Cluster management for "Technology and Innovation" (2014 - 2018)
- Project manager and coordinator of the working group "Ecological Economy" at the IZT (1990 - 2013)
- Doctorate at the Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg (2009)
- Lecturer at the Berlin School of Economics and Law since and at the Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin since 2001
- Studied political science and biology at the FU Berlin

Dr Nona Bledow
Dr Nona Bledow
- Since July 2022 Research Associate in the Research Field "Energy, Climate, Infrastructure" at the IZT
- 2016 to 2021 Research at the University of Konstanz in the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" and teaching on the topics of comparative welfare state research and inequality research
- Master's degrees in Political Economy and Philosophy from the University of Konstanz
- Bachelor's programme "Philosophy and Economics" at the University of Bayreuth

Melanie Degel
Research Director
Melanie Degel
Research Director
- Degree in energy and environmental management, industrial engineer
- Head of Research in the "Energy, Climate and Infrastructures" research area, since 2019
- Research assistant since 2008
- Previously employed in energy technology companies in the contracting sector
- Chairwoman of the Works Council since 2011 (without women's representative)

Maren Eickhoff
Maren Eickhoff
- Research associate in the research field "Health & Wellbeing" at the IZT
- Previous research internship in the same research field
- Studied Futurology (M. A.) at the Free University of Berlin and previously Bachelor of Economics and Social Sciences.
- Since 2019, participation in the development of a non-profit organisation for the reduction of language barriers in the health sector.

Michaela Evers-Wölk
Research Director
Michaela Evers-Wölk
Research Director
- IZT Head of Research "Health & Wellbeing" and "Technology Assessment, Participation & Evaluation"
- previously project manager at the IZT since 2014
- Leading the IZT's work as part of its consortium membership with the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag
- 2000 to 2004 Project Manager at Prognos AG in the area of media and communication
- 1989 to 1997 Studies in Information Science and Economics at the Free University of Berlin

Kathrin Gegner
Kathrin Gegner
- Research Associate at the IZT since October 2021
- 2018 to 2021 Environmental engineer with focus on water management
- Study of environmental engineering
- Studies in Social Sciences and Peace and Conflict Studies

Volker Handke
Senior Researcher
Volker Handke
Senior Researcher
- since 2000 at the IZT in the research area "Energy, Climate & Infrastructure"
- Since 2013 Visiting Scientist at the Institute for Heterogeneous Material Systems at the Helmholtz Centre for Materials and Energy
- 1990s Staff member at the Institute for Energy Technology at the TU-Berlin
- Diploma Programme in Technical Environmental Protection TU-Berlin
- Skilled worker training in the construction industry

Christine Henseling
Senior Researcher
Christine Henseling
Senior Researcher
- Since 2003 Research Associate at the IZT
- Currently in the research area "Resources, Economies & Resilience"
- 1998 to 2003 research associate at the Öko-Institut Freiburg
- 1998 Master of Arts in Cultural Studies degree from Lancaster University
- previously studied sociology, political science and law at the Free University of Berlin and Lancaster University (UK)

Dr Lydia Illge
Senior Researcher
Dr Lydia Illge
Senior Researcher
- Research assistant at the IZT since 2007
- Development of an indicator system-based method for estimating the contributions of industries to sustainable development as a dissertation
- 2001 to 2007 DIW Berlin in the fields of Integrated Product Policy, Economics and Sustainable Development
- Studied economics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA)
- Studied business administration at the University of Rostock

Carolin Kahlisch
Senior Researcher
Carolin Kahlisch
Senior Researcher
- Research assistant at the IZT since 2015
- Since 2011, initially as an intern, student assistant and junior researcher at the institute
- 2012 Completion of the Master's degree in Futurology at the Free University of Berlin
- Bachelor's degree in Human Geography and Polish Studies at the University of Potsdam

Ingo Kollosche
Research Manager
Ingo Kollosche
Research Manager
- since October 2018 at the IZT
- Research Manager Futurology and Transformation
- Focus on strategic preview, design projects, process moderation, method development
- 2010 - 2017 Research Associate Integrated Transport Planning TU Berlin
- previously Facilitor at Foresight Intelligence and TIBER Innovation Consulting
- Work as a PR consultant
- 2000 - 2009 Project manager at STRG and futurology institute Daimler AG
- Studies in social science and politics

Katrin Ludwig
Katrin Ludwig
- since 2015 at the IZT
- Master's programme Regenerative Energy Systems (M. Sc.) at the TU Berlin
- Bachelor's degree programme Environmental Engineering/Regenerative Energies (B. Sc.) at HTW Berlin
- Student assistant at the German Energy Agency GmbH
- Experience in planning and installing photovoltaic systems at Parabel AG
- Training as a biology laboratory technician

Britta Oertel
Research Director
Britta Oertel
Research Director
- since 1993 at the IZT
- Head of Research "Public Sphere & Communication" and "Technology Assessment, Participation & Evaluation"
- Member of the IZT Supervisory Board
- Leading the IZT's work as a consortium member of the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag
- Since 2014 Member of the Expert Committee on Science of the German Commission for UNESCO
- She was elected to the German UNESCO Commission in 2023.

Prof. Holger Rohn
Freelance Research Associate
Prof. Holger Rohn
Freelance Research Associate
- Freelance researcher at the IZT since 2017
- Since 2017 Professorship at the TH Mittelhessen, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management and Life Cycle Department
- 2011-2017 Managing Director of Faktor 10 - Institute for Sustainable Management
- 2004-2017 Managing Director Trifolium - Consulting Company
- 1996-2007 Managing Director Trifolium - Beratungsgesellschaft für zukunftsfähiges Wirtschaften (Consulting Company for Sustainable Management)
- 1987-1994 Mechanical Engineering at the TU Darmstadt

Friederike Ruge
Friederike Ruge
- since 2022 research associate in the research area "Mobility & Urbanity" at the IZT
- 2019-2022 Junior researcher and science communication, previously student assistant at the IZT
- until 2021 Master's degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Free University of Berlin
- until 2015 double-subject Bachelor of Hispanic Studies and Ethnology at the Georg-August University of Göttingen

Dr Michael Scharp
Research Manager
Dr Michael Scharp
Research Manager
- Research Director of the research field "Education & Digital Media" and at the IZT since 1996
- Work focuses on education and method development, energy, resources, housing and services
- Many years of expertise in managing national and international projects

Malte Schmidthals
Senior Researcher
Malte Schmidthals
Senior Researcher
- since 2017 as Senior Researcher Research Field "Education and Digital Media" at the IZT
- 1992 to 2017 Head of the "Climate Protection and Environmental Education" department and part of the management team at the Independent Institute for Environmental Issues e.V.
- Diploma programme "Technical Environmental Protection" at the Technical University of Berlin

Marguerite Sievi
Marguerite Sievi
- since November 2024 as Research Associate in the research field "Resources, Economies and Resilience" at the IZT
- 2022-2024 as junior scientist, previously ecological federal volunteer at the IZT
- until 2021 Master's programme in Environmental Science and Management in Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
- 2020 Intern at Greenpeace in the mobilisation and implementation of awareness campaigns
- until 2018 Bachelor's degree in Social and Human Sciences in Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Lisa Steck
Lisa Steck
- Since July 2018 as a research assistant at the IZT
- until 2017 Studies of Economics (M. Sc.) at the TU Dresden with focus on integration of climate change into economic growth models
- Until 2014 Bachelor's degree in economics at the TU Dresden

Paula Steiner
Junior scientist
Paula Steiner
Junior scientist
- from April 2023 Junior Scientist in the research area "Energy, Climate & Infrastructure"
- from April 2022 to March 2023 student assistant in the research area "Energy, Climate & Infrastructure
- Study of Futurology (M. A.) at the Free University of Berlin
- until 2018 Bachelor in Social Sciences

Dr Dirk Thomas
Research Manager
Dr Dirk Thomas
Research Manager
- Head of Research for "Mobility & Urbanity" at the IZT since May 2020
- 2018 to 2020 research associate at the Institute for Design Research (IDF) at the Braunschweig University of Fine Arts (HBK)
- 2008 to 2020 Freelancers in the field of market and social research
- 1996 to 2002 Sociology studies with the subsidiary subjects Political Science and Law at the Technical University of Braunschweig

André Uhl
Senior Researcher
André Uhl
Senior Researcher
- Since June 2017 as a research assistant at the IZT
- 2015 to 2017 freelance researcher for the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna in the field of foresight
- 2013 to 2015 Master's programme in Futurology at the Free University of Berlin
- previously studied human geography, ethnology and economics (diploma) at the University of Trier

Roland Zieschank
Senior Researcher
Roland Zieschank
Senior Researcher
- since 2022 as head of the joint project "Bio-Mo-D" at the IZT
- Previous research on the inclusion of ecosystems in environmental economic accounts for the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
- Focal areas of work include the topics of environmental information and development of national indicators
- Study of administrative science

Dr Jan-Henrik Meyer
Senior Researcher
Dr Jan-Henrik Meyer
Senior Researcher
- Senior Researcher at the IZT since 2020
- also works at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory
- Active in various networks and initiatives
- Coordinates the energy working group of the "Tensions of Europe" network and is founder and organiser of the Berlin-Brandenburg Colloquium on Environmental History
- previously employed at the Universities of Copenhagen, NTNU Trondheim, Aarhus and Portsmouth
- Doctorate from the Free University of Berlin

Dr Sabine Loewe-Hannatzsch
Dr Sabine Loewe-Hannatzsch
- at the IZT since September 2024
- previously worked at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg
- Doctorate at the University of Mannheim
- Master's degree in International Relations from the University of San Diego
- Bachelor's degree in History from the University of San Diego

Susanne Becker
Commercial Assistant to the Managing Director
Susanne Becker
Commercial Assistant to the Managing Director
- since 1998 at the IZT
- Financial and payroll accounting
- Project assistance

Gustavo Hasselmann
Financial and project controlling
Gustavo Hasselmann
Financial and project controlling
- since May 2023 at the IZT
- Financial and project controlling

Constanze Kollosche
Team assistance
Constanze Kollosche
Team assistance
- since November 2022 as an administrative support staff member at the IZT
- Management assistant for office management
- Previously employed for many years as a restaurant

Mira Dieckmeyer
Science communication
Mira Dieckmeyer
Science communication
- since September 2022 in science communication at the IZT
- Completion of the Master of Architecture at the TU Berlin
- previously worked in architecture and landscape architecture offices

Ian Miguel Flores Tran
Personnel and contract management
Ian Miguel Flores Tran
Personnel and contract management
- working at the IZT since September 2023
- Working in science management since 2018, previously at the DAAD
- Studied biology at the Georg-August-University Göttingen
- Currently studying for an M.Sc. in Science Management at the TU-Berlin

Gregor Zattler
Project Controlling | IT Support
Gregor Zattler
Project Controlling | IT Support
- since 2009 Project Controlling and IT Support at the IZT
- 1999 Studied political science at the Otto Suhr Institute of the Free University of Berlin
Students, volunteers (ÖBFD, FÖJ), interns

Sören Handschuch
FÖJ Foundation for Nature Conservation Berlin
Sören Handschuch
FÖJ Foundation for Nature Conservation Berlin
Since September 2024 FÖJ at the IZT (Foundation for Nature Conservation Berlin)
2024 Graduates from Rosa-Luxemburg-Gymnasium in Berlin-Pankow.

Ava Popic
Student assistant
Ava Popic
Student assistant
- Student assistant in the research field "Health and Wellbeing" since October 2024
- Student of the Master's programme "Futures Studies" at the Freie Universität Berlin
- Student of the Bachelor "Cognitive Science" at the University of Osnabrück