
Enterprises in 5G and beyond 5G should follow an ecosystem business modelling approach that considers all potential configurations of how an ecosystem can be formed, i.e., potential business models that will be adopted by other players and the resulting network effects. The inherent ecosystem dynamics induce an iterative process for enterprises to continuously adjust and optimise their initially formulated business models following the interactions with other ecosystem actors. In order to ensure an alignment with the ambition of 5G and beyond 5G technology vision to meet sustainability goals – as defined by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) – enterprises must adapt their understanding of how business models are developed and can evolve.

Bledow, Nona; Hallingby, Hanne Kristine; Darzone, George; Frizzell, Ronan; Breuer, Henning; Gavras, Anastsasius; Mesogiti, Ioanna; Rokkas, Theodoros; Vega, Luis Fernandez; Ludwig, Katrin und andere

Energie, Klima und Infrastruktur