
This deliverable documents the activities undertaken within Task 3.4 “Use case assessment”. It provides a broad assessment across five dimensions, i.e. technical, environmental, economic, social, and user dimensions, at the current development stage of deployments and services. Taking a comprehensive perspective including all five dimensions is crucial, given that the 5G-VICTORI platform and the innovative applications and services supported are expected to have substantial impact on various technical, economic and social aspects. As a key enabler for digitalization, 5G is expected to have considerable impacts on social, economic, and environmental sustainability. However, in order to develop infrastructures as well as services and applications that are able to impact sustainability positively, relevant strengths and challenges need to be identified at an early stage.

Bledow, Nona; Nolte, Roland; Ludwig, Katrin; Burdack, Doreen; Ruhland, Matthias; Mesogoti, Ioanna; Glaser, Sven ; Nikaein, Navid

Energie, Klima und Infrastruktur