
The present study was prepared for, and in cooperation with, the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) in an interdisciplinary collaborative arrangement between IZT — Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment and the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (EMPA). Over recent years the realization has caught hold that evaluating technical developments should be done prospectively and in a problem-oriented fashion, in order to gain indications about future technology design. This can be accomplished through interdisciplinary assessment of the opportunities and risks of using RFID, focussing on the areas of IT security and data protection. Only in this way can real or perceived security problems be recognised early as central barriers to the economic use of RFID technology, and thus can perhaps be avoided as early as possible. The objective of the present study “Security Aspects and Prospective Applications of RFID Systems” is to give the interested (specialized) public an overview of the technical basics, application potentials and risks of RFID systems. The study’s main focus lies in the prospective analysis of possible threats which result from using RFID systems, including an assessment of the effectiveness of existing security measures. In addition to that, visual aids and a great number of practical examples demonstrate which RFID systems are being used today and which are being tested for the future

Oertel, Britta; Wölk, Michaela; Hilty, Lorenz M.; Köhler, Andreas; Kelter, Harald; Ullmann, Markus; Wittmann, Stefan

Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeit, Technikfolgenabschätzung und Partizipation, Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden